order online

In order to order parts online, you must have an account. If you do not have an account, use the button below and select 'Sign Up'.

find manuals

Please select a manufacturer from the list to lookup service manuals.
NOTE: Selecting an option will take you away from and to the manufacturer website.

about parts

Burris Equipment is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality parts available for maintenance and service.

We use Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts to ensure this quality. Our experienced and trained parts staff is familiar with the equipment we sell, which allows us to identify the correct part quickly and have you back up and running as soon as possible.

Our parts inventory contains over $1.5 million in parts, which allows us to fill and ship in stock orders in the same day. You can also visit any of our stores for personalized parts assistance. Each store is fully computerized with electronic parts catalogs and full communication links between our stores and the manufacturers. Don't forget to use our easy tools to look up parts online and order parts online too! For more information contact one of our three Burris Locations.

For assistance with the Online Parts Store, please contact Deb Zenner at (847) 336-1205.

Do you have any questions or need any professional advice on selecting equipment? We would be happy to help. Please contact a store nearest you and our experts will guide you in selecting the right equipment.